


I'm learning for each job, project, conference, and book I read. I consider myself a fast-never-stop learner. The best way to learn is by putting in practice and share it with others.

Product-let Growth in B2B by Leah Tharin

January 2024

Effective Enabling Teams at TeamTopologies Academy

July 2023

Wardley Mapping Theory and Practice at Hired Thought

June 2023

An online course by Ben Mosior


ThePowerMBA + Digital Marketing at ThePowerMBA

2022 - Today

#Leadership #Lean #Marketing

Platform as a Product at TeamTopologies Academy

November 2021

An online course by Team Topologies Authors, Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais.

A courated course to understand why it's crucial to treat (internal) platforms as any other product, understanding its value proposition, its customers, and the platform adoption lifecycle.

#TeamTopologies #PlatformTeams #Collaboration #TeamBoundaries #CognitiveLoad #TeamIntersactionModes #PlatformVision #UX #DevEx #AdoptionCycle #PlatformCustomers #PlatformExperience

Distributed Systems Design Fundamentals at Particular Software

October 2021

An online course by Udi Dahan

#DistributedSystems #Messaging #Resiliency #Sagas #Coupling #SOA

Pragmatic Wardley Mapping at Hired Thought

September 2021

An online course by Ben Mosior

A course to focus on practical Wardley Mapping, on how to get started and apply the methodology in a way that you can learn and evolve over time.


Fast Flow of Change at Kalele

September 2021

A 3 days workshop taught by Susanne Kaiser

During this 3 day workshop, we connected the dots on how to combine Wardley Mapping, Domain-Driven Design, and Team Topologies in a super insightful approach.

Focusing on adaptative systems for change, Susanne helped us to identify the value chain using Wardley Mapping combined with Strategic Domain-Driven Design on how to identify Domain Boundaries, and organizing the teams using Team Topologies.

#DomainDrivenDesign #WardleyMapping #TeamTopologies #FastFlowOfChange

Team Topologies Distilled at TeamTopologies Academy

August 2021

An online course by Team Topologies Authors, Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais.

A courated course to understand why it's crucial to treat (internal) platforms as any other product, understanding its value proposition, its customers, and the platform adoption lifecycle.

#TeamTopologies #PlatformTeams #Collaboration #TeamBoundaries #CognitiveLoad #TeamIntersactionModes #PlatformVision #UX #DevEx #AdoptionCycle #PlatformCustomers #PlatformExperience

Event-Driven Architectures at Kalele

March 2021

A 2 day Training on Event-Driven Architectures with industry leading expert and author, Vaughn Vernon

A training forcused on rapid innovation using Event-Driven Architectures and Event Storming. It served me to understand how to facilitate better an Event Storming Session from the big picture to the implementation.

#EDA #EventStorming #EventSourcing #CQRS #REST-APIs

Product Designer’s Mindset at ProductDesign.Academy


An online course lead by Alex Solod, Senior Product Designer at Spotify.

A 8h course on Design Thinking Mindset to understand the flow, techniques and methodology that Design Thinking brings to the product development.

#DesignThinking #DoubleDiamond #Reasearch #UX #LandingDesign #Braning #Prototype #Ideate #Define

Implementing Domain-Driven Design Workshop at Kalele


A 4 day Training for Practical Use of DDD with industry leading expert and author, Vaughn Vernon

From Strategic Domain-Driven Design with Event Driven Modelling to Tactical Domain-Driven Design looking at the implementation level. The Workshop has given me the fundamentals on DDD and allowed me to look at the industry with the DDD point of view.

#DDD #Domains #Subdomains #BoundedContexts #ContetMapping #DomainEvents #EventStorming #ExtremeModelling #Entities #ValueObjects #DomainServices #Factories #CQRS #IntegratedBoundedContexts #ApplicationPatters

Bachelor degree in Computer Science at UPC

2011 - 2019

My bachelor degree has been marked by combining my studies meanwhile I worked. Thanks to combining working and studing, it helped me to gain skills on time management and applying my day to day studies into a real world experinece.

#Architecture #DistributedSystems #Parallelism #Statistics #DataBases #ProjectManagement