I love to share what I learn in conferences and interviews

One of my favorite ways to share my learnings is live on stage or in a live interview with other people. Here is a modest list of my appearances. Contact me if you would like to propose me to speak at your conference, podcast, or at internal event.


Design and execute your own engineering strategy

Barcelona Software Crafters, October 2023

Explained the 3 pillars of an engineering strategy and how to use Domain-Driven Design, Team Topologies and Wardley Mapping to design and execute it.

Understanding and Unlocking Inertia

Wardley Mapping for Business, May 2023

We analyzed the a real scenario of mine where we understood first the landscape and later we used Doctrine to overcome the inertia.

Design and execute your own engineering strategy

Bilbostack, January 2023

Explained the 3 pillars of an engineering strategy and how to use Domain-Driven Design, Team Topologies and Wardley Mapping to design and execute it.


La carga cognitiva como métrica para evolucionar tus equipos

Hablando de software, January 2024

Conversamos con Aleix Morgadas, Chief Product Officer en Teamperature. Team Topologies es el enfoque líder en la organización de equipos empresariales y tecnológicos para un flujo rápido. Team Topologies popularizó el concepto carga cognitiva del equipo. En este episodio veremos una historia real de decisiones de arquitectura y colaboración en base a la carga cognitiva.

Equipos sostenibles gracias a Team Topologies y DDD con Aleix Morgadas

CodelyTV, March 2023

Aleix Morgadas nos contará cómo aplicó técnicas de la parte estratégica de Domain-Driven Design, Team Topologies y Wardley Mapping para solucionar problemas de equipo en un caso real. Hablaremos de Bounded Contexts, supporting domains, y muchas cositas más 😬