Lean Inception Workshop

Defining the product vision, the product goals and the first MVP with the team and the stakeholders is challegning but also crucial for a successful product. The Lean Inception Workshop is a great tool to achieve this.

I have facilitated several Lean Inception Workshops in different industries such as e-commerce, social networks, fintech, and others. From big organizations of more than 4000 people, to startups defining their first MVP. I have also facilitated Lean Inception Workshops for internal products such as a new internal tool for the customer service team.

Hire me to facilitate a Lean Inception Workshop

What is a Lean Inception Workshop?

The Lean Inception Workshop is a 3 to 5-day workshop that brings together the team and the stakeholders to define the product vision, the product goals, the personas, the user journey, the business model, the technical architecture, the MVP, and the next steps.

The Lean Inception Workshop is based on the book Lean Inception by Paulo Caroli.

How does the facilitation looks like?

  1. Before the workshop:
  • We will identify your business needs and objectives.
  • We will define the workshop agenda and the participants.
  • We will define the workshop logistics (remote or in-person).
  1. During the workshop: We will work together with the team and the stakeholders to
  • Define the product vision
  • Define the product goals
  • Define the personas
  • Define the user journey
  • Define the features
  • Define the technical architecture
  • Define the MVP
  • Define the next steps.
  1. After the workshop:
  • I will send you the workshop results.
  • I will send you the workshop photos.
  • I will send you the workshop feedback.
  • I will send you the workshop retrospective.
  • I will follow-up with you to check how the product is going.
Hire me to facilitate a Lean Inception Workshop