You are starting your business

Starting is hard. Should I build this or that? In which order? Is it technically possible? Who do I need in my team?

I help entrepreneurs do their first steps in the right direction. Building the right thing the right way.

Help me start my business

We start with building the right thing

We will work together to understand your business and your product vision.

In order to build the right thing, we can use a variety of tools:

  • Business Model Canvas
  • Lean Canvas
  • MVP Canvas

There are two types of workshops that help us discover those points in less than a week:

The outcome of this session is a clear roadmap, understanding of what to build first and the cost.

We continue with building the thing right

Once we know what to build, we need to build it right.

There is nothing more frustrating than knowing what to build and making the wrong decisions that make the product viability impossible.

We will start the MVP with the good practices already in place so that we can ensure the MVP to continue evolve for the further iterations.

Help me start my business